terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2009


está completo , aproveitemmm>>>


FS2004/FSX IRIS Tornado F3

Ja tem um aviao igual a esse no blog so que eh da Alphasim eu acho esse da iris bem melhor e com setup para os 2 FS muito bom VC , Sound , Effects bemmmm detalhados bem legal __aproveitemmm


Sei que vao vim uns 10 me falar que isso eh 1 F-16 MAS nao eh ele eh 1 aviao produzido no japao nao sei se eh copia do f16 ou o f16 eh copia dele so sei que os 2 sao parecidos em TUDO panel velocidade (mach.2) visual E a Lockheed Martin ajudou a fazer ele ( eh a mesma empresa que fais atualmente os F16), mas quem fazia a maior parte do aviao era Mitsubishi que deu o nome para o caça___

quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2009

tradução fsx

Para a galera que ainda não tem o Flight Simulator X em português .............. faça o download extraia todo conteudo para C;/arquivos de programas/microsoft games/microsoft flight simulator X, O windows informa que já existe se quer substituir clique em SIM PARA TODOS, pronto FSX em portugues...


terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2009

Grumman F7F-3n Tigercat Set/fsx

FSX Grumman F7F-3 Tigercat Set. The aircraft are selectable under manufacturer 'ALPHA', F7F Tigercat. The two variants are selectable under the 'variation' drop-down list. Features VC (virtual cockpit). Original Alpha Simulations freeware release for FS2004/2. Adapted for FSX by Nor Cal Prop Club and Dominix
o vc está um pouco ruim , mais logo eu postarei um cokpit bem legal ..

Hughes 269C Package / fsx

FEATURES: - fully Native FSX - forgiving and stable yet nimble flight dynamics - Animated pilot , pedals , sticks and doors - multiple paints with a repainters master texture included - Dynamic VC *Tested using Acceleration and DX9 ; compiled with the FSX SDK for FSX ONLY *By Bruce Fitzgerald ----------------essa AERONAE ESTÁ SEM SOM , E VC DANIFICADO ...

CH-47D Chinook Hellenic Army Aviation/fsx

Greece has 15 CH-47D. The 9 of them are upgraded CH-47C to CH-47DG in 1995. The other 6 are CH-47SD. In 1980 Greece ordered 10 CH-47C Chinook. The first arrived in Greece in 1983. The first Greek Chinooks formally were belonged to Iran but after the fallen of Shahs, they were given to Greece. In 1984 took place the first accident of the Greek Chinooks when the ÅÓ-006 had a heavy landing in Samos Island, during the transportation of a radar. After that the 006 was used as a source. The other 9 in the period of 1992-1994 were upgraded to D (Super D). After the Imia night, the Greek Government wanted to order 11 Chinooks helicopter, 9 SD and 2 SD for the Special Forces. Later 7 Chinooks were ordered. They have analogue cockpit and not glass cockpit in order to be same with the old DG. Also they have the better engine T55-L714A (4.868hp). This Chinook package is only for the FSX, but in case you want to fly it on your FS2004,then the majority of the Gauges will not be appeared. The package is complete. Features: model, Virtual Cockpit, new Panel, Sounds, rework Flight Dynamics, two Textures olive green and a dessert camo. The Original Model belongs to Mark Adams & Tom Woods, the reworked Flight Dynamics to Marwan Latif. The textures represent the olive green witch have now the Hellenic Chinooks and the dessert witch appeared until the upgraded of the CH-47C to CH-47DG. The Original Model belongs to Mark Adams & Tom Woods, repaint and panel by Thanasis Delizisis, Panagiotis Delizisis ///////helicoptero completo baixem ....

segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2009

FSX/2004 helicopter PM (esquilo)

Fántastico , sons perfeitos , cokpit , VC (ta uma pouco com falhas , mais da ra pilotar avontade )

3 texturas , lindas , vale a pena ....

Alpha Jet-E Patrouille de France

Aeronave militar , completa , varias texturas , VC lindo , sons , tudo pefeito ...aproveitem...


fsx/alphasim b36 peace maker

Òtimo avião da 2 guerra mundial , tem 1 textura , VC lindo , é uma aeronave fantastica , baixem e aproveitem !!!

download: http://w13.easy-share.com/1702131158.html

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